Saturday, September 19, 2009


It's really great that Daniel is learning how to talk, but can someone please stop him from saying the word NO all the time?! I'll try to instead focus on the other adorable words like "opsicle" for Popsicle, Seth, mamma, doddy, "itty" for kitty, vroom for car, hot (my boys both like this word), swing, slide, Bampy, Grammy, choo choo, and my personal favorite, MINE! I'm thankful to Seth for that one!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Lake Tahoe and Yosemite Pictures

I'm moving a little backwards, but here are some pictures from our AMAZING vacation! The pictures should speak for themselves!

Seth's First Day of School!

Yesterday Seth started preschool. I didn't cry, but Sam said I was a little crazy. Not only did I insist on "one last peek" through the window on the way to the car, but I disrupted the going home routine by peaking my head in the room to wave at Seth. Let the embarrassment begin! Despite my craziness, Seth had a great time. When he sang "God loves me" in the car on the way to Mc Donalds it was all worth it!

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Laugh Out Loud

Seth's been quite the comedian lately. I'm afraid if I don't write some of these things down, then I won't remember them. And if I don't remember them, then I won't be able to embarrass him in front of future girlfriends!
On the Fourth of July, we went over my uncle's house. Anyone who's ever potty trained a child knows that when they have to go, you don't have a whole lot of grace time. With that in mind, I was just taking him to discrete locations and letting him go can see where this is going, right!? I was playing volley ball when all of a sudden everyone started laughing and pointing at the little boy with his pants down, peeing right in the middle of the yard!
Another oh so cute moment occurred in our bath tub. We were singing Ba, Ba Black Sheep. Instead of singing, "the little boy who lives down the lane", Seth was singing, "the little boy who lives down the drain". When he finished, he looked at the drain, and then up at me, and said, "mama, what's that boy doin' down there?"!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday Daniel!

In case you don't know, Daniel has a clever nick name: Danzilla. He didn't come by this name on accident. He is fast and he is strong! He can destroy the best built train track town in an instant. He can make it up to the top of the stairs in the blink of an eye. Of particular interest to him is the toilet. Anything and Everything (including himself) will end up in it if you turn your head for a second. The only time he stops moving is to cry when his brother even thinks about hurting him (yes, he can manipulate already!), to give his mommy sweet hugs, and to peacefully sleep. I guess all this comes as know surprise....he was kicking with force even prebirth! Thank God for my smiley, happy, strong baby!

Tuesday, May 26, 2009


I know my 8th grade language arts teacher (Joyce) taught me better, but my spelling is terrible! Thankfully there is spell check, but unfortunately it doesn't catch everything. I have gone through and corrected many mistakes on my last blog which had many grammatical errors. At least I did learn how to reread and revise in middle school!

Monday, May 25, 2009

Happy 3rd Birthday Seth

Today was a beautiful day! The mosquitos even went into hiding for awhile so we could play on the kid's new play structure. The day we brought Seth home from the hospital was a very hot day and our air conditioner wasn't working! I worried so much that my new born was overheating and spitting up too much, that we ended up in the emergency room! I guess all my worrying has rubbed off on Seth because now he doesn't want to go outside for fear that the mosquitos will "eat him to pieces"! He's also afraid to wash his hands because he has a band aid on his finger that might fall off! Despite all of our worrying, Seth has had quite a year! He finally grew some very nice blond hair, learned to sleep all through the night on his own, and is almost potty trained! Some of my favorite moments were: listening to Seth sing Oh Holly Night all the way through with Grammy, taking him to Disney World for the first time with Grandma, watching him take his first swim and preschool classes, and best of all, seeing the smile on his face when he saw his baby brother for the very first time! Over all, I'll wrap his third birthday up with three words that describe him: 1. Imaginative...he can play and talk to himself for hours! 2. Silly...he loves to laugh and make other people laugh with him! 3. Amazing...I adore everything about him...even his new three year old attitude!